Tag Archive | ministry

Why reinvent the wheel? How this question impacts handicraft artisans.

Reinventing the wheel


 “Just reinvent the wheel.” Recently, this quote was discussed in the marketplace. “What does this mean?”artisans asked.

It means to not create something which has already been created.

For handicraft artisans creating is their passion. In the marketplaces however, there is competition and work which has been copied and reproduced by others trying to make money. For some they would agree that there is no reason to reinvent something.

However, there are artisans out there who are creating new designs for their products and art. For these artistic and talented creators, they will reinvent what they create because it impacts their families and people they support. It also encourages them to think outside the box and improve their designs or come up with new ideas. It also means taking something, recycling it, reproducing it and making it into a better product.

One windy market day

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Tuesday, April 8th.

It’s a very windy day at Prestige Masai market today. The sun is shining bright and artisans are seated under large umbrellas next to their handicrafts. There are a few people browsing and walking through the market but there are not many. This Masai market is new according to some artisans. It has only been open for three months now. There is about 30 – 40 artisans selling their handicrafts. Two artisans who sit next to each other at this market are Jane and Florence. Jane is a Heavenly Treasures artisan and makes beautiful beaded bowls, and home decor. She used to sell at the Masai market at Westgate mall every Tuesday. However, since the closing of the mall due to the attack last year, she now is selling at Prestige mall. It is located just along Ngong Road near Adams Arcade and the Yaya center.


Jane’s masai beaded bowls.

Jane and Florence were chatting with a neighbor artisan about the traffic and the topic of being a Kenyan wife and business woman. They both agreed and said, “As a women its good to have a business. You do not need to stay in the house all day. You can be putting money in your pocket to help pay rent, school fees and buy food.”



The question of the day is: What lessons have you learned in your business?
Jane responded by saying, “There are many lessons to learn. First, you have to know how to make a product or handicraft. Then you learn where to sell. Third, you learn how to make the profit.” This was a small part of what she explained as how to begin a business in Kenya. “It all depends on God,” she said. This was simple and yet foundational wisdom from her.


Jane Wanjiku. Masai beaded handicraft artisan.

What’s the story behind Heavenly Treasures Kenya?

Heavenly Treasures Kenya is a registered NGO (non governmental organization), a non profit organization. This NGO registration was officially granted to Heavenly Treasures in 2007. The focus of HTK is to support the micro enterprise network in Kenya, ministry to the poorest of the poor and equipping individuals to become self sustaining. Heavenly Treasures is a mission society and works together with others to bring the love of God to the people we serve through a practical means. HTK is recognized by the Kenya government and abides by the bylaws and constitution submitted to the NGO Governing Board.


Kathy Gaulton (CEO of Heavenly Treasures) and Kigen Temiuge (Director of Operations of HTKenya)

What is the mission of Heavenly Treasures?
The mission of Heavenly Treasures is all about the PEOPLE. The heart of the mission is loving people. Christ is our example of this and has propelled HT from the beginning to care for the spiritual, personal and business needs of each artisan we work with. And also to care for the spiritual and personal needs of every single individual that walks through the doors of our shop or that we somehow come across.

htkvaluesWe are members of the Kenya Fair Trade Association and keep to the fair trade principles which really shape the organization and work practices of the artisans and other partners we work with.

Visit our “ABOUT HTK” page to learn more about Heavenly Treasures Kenya.